Home Business Bringing Back the High Street

Bringing Back the High Street

by admin

Beginning in the 1950s, while the American Dream flourished, we created developments wherever we wanted partly due to the rise in automobiles. Instead of towns keeping one or two main streets where all necessary shopping happened, we migrated to multiple developments anchoring each town.

While we’ve gotten away from developing main street, the U.K. embraces its “high streets” and even has a yearly competition to award towns with the best high streets.

We need to stop the sprawl and concentrate on bringing people together again, taking existing infrastructure and revitalizing it – instead of creating another “destination” lining a highway.

James Schulte, HGOR

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1 comment

Lynne anservitz February 23, 2017 - 4:54 pm

As a life-long Anglophile, i adore the british high streets. The idea of halting the sprawl of destination continual building is excellent. I live in Roswell, a community i lOve with its own k nd of high street. Its super popular and utilizes buildings that have been around for many decades.


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