Hipsters are out, yuccies – Young Urban Creatives – are in. In the never-ending task of predicting trends, yuccies are the latest phenomenon for real estate to translate.
CNN says, “Each generation needs to invent their term – yuccie may work for white millennials.” It’s the perfect mix of yuppies and hipsters, apparently defined by the price and taste level of purchases – $80 sweatpants, trips to Portland, Austin.
Yuccies don’t have visible tattoos, but importantly: “Yuccies seek jobs where they can both earn a decent living and be fulfilled by their tasks.” Continue developing intown, near artisanal donuts, and you might be set.
– Sarah Funderburk, SPR Atlanta
The speaker was a young, straight, white guy. That doesn’t mean that all “yuccies” are that. Even if CNN said it, we need to question the racist implications of excluding people of color from a young, urban, creative class.
I definitely agree, Martha. I certainly was not trying to exclude anyone – I was simply quoting CNN to show a satirical view of the difficult nature of predicting trends in real estate. No matter what you call the young, urban, creative class – the industry is going to try to ‘predict’ how and where they will live/work/play. Thank you for your comment.