Noel Khalil learned early that if you built high-quality apartments next to transit, you could not only help the community, you could build a good business. Now, his Columbia Ventures is building a mixed-use development on a five-acre parcel around the Edgewood-Candler Park MARTA Station.
Partnering with Invest Atlanta and MARTA, Columbia will revitalize the area in two phases – totaling over 400 residences, commercial opportunities and improving residents’ lives through connectivity to jobs, education and services.
This represents Columbia’s seventh transit-oriented development and one of numerous developments in Edgewood, which helped in the decision to award this project to Columbia.
I call about the new apartments hear in Columbus Georgia they stated that they have a long waiting list. I am disable and live up stair in an apartment now. I am 62 years old and uses a cane. I receive social security and ssi after i became disable it is hard for me to walk up stairs May I please be consister for a apartment ?
Thanks for your comment, Joan. I’m sorry about the wait list, but unfortunately we have no say in who is considered for an apartment. I invite you to check out Columbia Residential’s website: Though Columbia Residential is a client of our Public Relations firm, we do not work with the firm in that regard.
Will the new upcoming marta-partments have based on income or tax credit units ?
Hi Erica, We suggest you contact the apartment complex directly to get that information.Thanks for reading.